Determination of Optimal Warehouse Location at PT. Sumber Alfaria TrijayaTbk (Bali Branch) – AJHSSR

Determination of Optimal Warehouse Location at PT. Sumber Alfaria TrijayaTbk (Bali Branch)

Determination of Optimal Warehouse Location at PT. Sumber Alfaria TrijayaTbk (Bali Branch)

ABSTRACT : Location has a big impact on the overall risk and profit of the company. The choice of location will affect the distribution strategy of a company, one of which is distribution through a warehouse. PT SumberAlfariaTrijayaTbk is a retail company that uses distribution through a warehouse. In determining the location of a warehouse, the company will be faced with the consideration of the various required location selection criteria. This study uses Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Goal Programming (GP) methods. The
results of this study indicate that the criteria with the highest to lowest priority in selecting a new warehouse location are rental price then distance, labor wages, transportation access, environmental conditions, and security level. Based on the calculation of AHP and Goal Programming, it shows 2 locations with the highest weight, namely Tabanan and Gianyar.
Keywords -Site selection, Analytic Hierarchy Process, Goal Programming