Entropy: A Join between Science and Mind-Society – AJHSSR

Entropy: A Join between Science and Mind-Society

Entropy: A Join between Science and Mind-Society

ABSTRACT: Entropy is join, intersection and interaction between natural science and human mind-society. We proposed that if internal interactions exist in isolated systems, entropy decrease will be possible for this system. Management in system is a typical internal interaction within the isolated system. The purpose of management is to use regulating the internal interactions within the system, and to decrease the increasing entropy spontaneously. We propose the principle of social civilization and the developing direction is: freedom of thought, rule of action. Both combinations should be a peaceful revision and improvement of social rules and laws. Different countries and nations, different religions and beliefs should coexist peacefully and compete peacefully. The evolution of human society must be coevolution. Its foundation is the evolution of the human heart and the human nature.

KEYWORDS: entropy, science, society, management, mind, evolution.