Experiment on How AI Can Help to Improve the Knowledge in Everyday Conversation Skills – AJHSSR

Experiment on How AI Can Help to Improve the Knowledge in Everyday Conversation Skills

Experiment on How AI Can Help to Improve the Knowledge in Everyday Conversation Skills

ABSTRACT :Objective: The aim of this experiment isto observe the impact of utilizing artificial intelligence (AI) on thedepth and quality of conversations among students participating in the Go Bali program at Udayana University in Bali, witha focus on Symbolic Interactionism theory.Methodology:1. Participants:Select8students fromUdayanaUniversityinBaliwhoareenrolledintheGoBaliprogram.2. Procedure:a. Stage1: Initiatea one-minute conversationamongtheparticipantsonagiven topic.b. Stage 2: Allow the participants to gather information and insights on the same topic using AI technology or a similarplatform for a duration of three minutes.c. Stage3:Conductasecondone-minuteconversationamongtheparticipantsonthesametopic,incorporatingthe insightsgathered during Stage 2.3. Data Collection: After the experiment, distribute a questionnaire to the participants to gauge their perception of theeffectiveness of the communication during both stages of the experiment, with a focus on how Fieske‘s Communicationtheory influenced their interactions.Expected Out come: Itisanticipated that utilizing AI forinformation gatheringwillenhancethe depthandquality ofconversations amongthe participants,asevidenced by their responsesin the questionnaire,influenced bythe principles of FiskesCommunication theory.