Financial performance of select public sector banks in India: A Review of Selected Studies – AJHSSR

Financial performance of select public sector banks in India: A Review of Selected Studies

Financial performance of select public sector banks in India: A Review of Selected Studies

ABSTRACT :This study focuses on review papers that are published in prestigious journals and explores the performance of public sector banks (PSBs) as a critical indicator of the nation’s economic health. Delving into intricate financial dynamics, it scrutinizes select PSBs, revealing insights into their fiscal resilience, adaptability to market trends, and contribution to economic well-being. The research analyzes transformative changes in the financial landscape, encompassing regulatory reforms and technological advancements. Examining key metrics like profitability, asset quality, and credit expansion, the study provides a comprehensive overview of PSBs’ role in economic resilience. The methodology involves a review of 20 papers, identifying a research gap in understanding the long-term impact of specific characteristics on profitability. The findings suggest a need for holistic and longitudinal analyses to comprehend the evolving dynamics of public sector banks in response to market changes and regulatory reforms, providing enduring insights into their financial health.

KEYWORDS: Public sector banks, financial performance, Economic resilience, Regulatory reforms, Technological advancements, Longitudinal analysis, Indian banking sector