Gender, Position and Experience: Key Determinants of TimeManagement Practices of Ghanaian Polytechnics’ Administrators – AJHSSR

Gender, Position and Experience: Key Determinants of TimeManagement Practices of Ghanaian Polytechnics’ Administrators

Gender, Position and Experience: Key Determinants of TimeManagement Practices of Ghanaian Polytechnics’ Administrators

ABSTRACT: This paper sought to determine whether gender, years of experience and position have statistically significant impact on administrators‟ time-management practices. Indeed, the paper explored whether male and female administrators differ significantly in terms of their time use. Descriptive design was adopted to engage 445 senior administrators from 517 admnistrators through stratified proportional sampling technique. Data were gathered through the use of questionnaire. Multivariate (MANOVA) test and logistic regression were used to analyse the data. The study found among others that male and female senior-member administrators in the polytechnics did not differ in terms of their time-management practices. Administrators‟ position, years of experience and gender had statistically significant impact on time-management practices. It was recommended that Management of polytechnics should allocate equal tasks to administrators irrespective of their gender. There is a continuous need for administrators to reinforce the use of these demographic variables.
KEYWORDS: Gender, Position, experience, Time Management