Impact Of Educational Resources on Students’ Academic Performance in Economics: A Study of Some Senior Secondary Schools in Lagos State Educational District One – AJHSSR

Impact Of Educational Resources on Students’ Academic Performance in Economics: A Study of Some Senior Secondary Schools in Lagos State Educational District One

Impact Of Educational Resources on Students’ Academic Performance in Economics: A Study of Some Senior Secondary Schools in Lagos State Educational District One

ABSTRACT : The study focused on the impact of Educational resources on students‟ academic performancein Economics: a study of some Senior Secondary Schools in Lagos State Educational District one. Researchobjectives, question and hypotheses were formulated to guide the direction of the study. The study covers 110senior secondary students and 40 teachers. Convenience sampling technique was used in selecting the samplesize. 110 of the questionnaires were properly filed and returned. The study relied on the 110 properly filed andreturned questionnaires for analysis. The data for the study was collected through research instrument developedby the researcher to obtain the appropriate data for the study. Data collected were analyzed using bothdescriptive and inferential statistics. Descriptive statistics such as frequency distribution and simple percentageswere used to analyze the demographic and socio-economic background of the target respondents and theresearch question were analyzed. Pearson product moment correlation analysis and regression analysis wereused to test the stated hypotheses. The research design that was adopted was the descriptive survey design. Theresult reveals that educational resources have an impact on students‟ academic performance in Economics. Thefinding also reveals that there is a significant effect of the level of qualification and preparation of teachers onstudents‟ academic performance in Economics in senior secondary schools. Based on the findings made in thisstudy, it is therefore recommended that School administrators must constantly review, inspect and monitorschool teaching and learning resources. Constant and consistent monitoring of school resource and ensuring itsavailability and proper utilization will make teachers and students take care of the school resources as well astake learning and academic activity seriously.