Informational Politics and Ethics in the Digital Age – AJHSSR

Informational Politics and Ethics in the Digital Age

Informational Politics and Ethics in the Digital Age

ABSTRACT: This article is a reflection on Information Policy and Ethics. The issue of information ethics remainsproblematic. Should it be considered apractical example of interdisciplinarity between information sciences and politicalsciences? The interdisciplinarity of information and ethics have been discussed, especially in relation to the aspects of truththat are produced in science and technology. What does the production of knowledge and the exchange of interdisciplinaryknowledge of information mean for information sciences and political sciences? Although this issue has already beenaddressed, there are elements of its research that can bring relevant contributions. The concepts of learning andcommunicative freedom may have a broad interest for an intercultural ethics of information.

KEYWORDS: Ethics of information. Ethics of political discourse, Interdisciplinarity andtransdisciplinary ofInformation,Freedom, Privacy and Intimacy.