Socio-economic challenges and opportunities of the post-2010 resettlement program at Bambasi district – AJHSSR

Socio-economic challenges and opportunities of the post-2010 resettlement program at Bambasi district

Socio-economic challenges and opportunities of the post-2010 resettlement program at Bambasi district

Introduction: Apparently, the implementation of resettlement programs could lead to simultaneous destruction of the environment and possesses threats to the economic and cultural survival of the local communities. This study investigated the socio-economic challenges, opportunities and future implications of the post-2010 resettlement program at Bambasi district, BGR.
Methods: The study involved a cross-sectional survey of 202 households, FGDs, document analysis and key informant interviews.Results: The resettlement program was government initiated and voluntary. The program has created opportunities like access to fertile and productive land, strong social ties, better livelihood, access to health post and primary school and access to drinkable water for the resettled households. luck of sufficient grazed land for cattle‟s, inadequate irrigable land and infrastructure, insufficient and poor quality health service and malaria epidemic, no nearby market places and financial institutions, absence of farmers trade union, deforestation,
youth joblessness and luck of strong government stricture were challenges to the households.
Conclusion: The program impacted positively the life of the resettled communities; however its successfulness was found questionable as environmental degradation, political discrimination, youth joblessness, limited access to financial institution, poor infrastructure remains impoverishment risk factors for the life of the households.
KEYWORDS: Household, Impoverishment, Resettlement, Socio-economic, Voluntary