Textual Meaning and Function of Juhut Giving (A Case Study in Batak Toba Wedding Tradition) – AJHSSR

Textual Meaning and Function of Juhut Giving (A Case Study in Batak Toba Wedding Tradition)

Textual Meaning and Function of Juhut Giving (A Case Study in Batak Toba Wedding Tradition)

ABSTRACT : The tradition of food providing (juhut: read buffalo) and the expressions delivered at the time of juhut providing at the wedding ceremony of Batak Toba must be maintained and preserved from the perspective of meaning, function and values. The data are presented through videos from several the wedding ceremonies of Batak Toba. The objectives are 1) to reveal the meaning of juhut: semiotic analysis (Saussure, 1996) and text based on context, 2) to describe the function (Malinowski, 1939) giver expressions (paranak) to hula-hula (recipients), and 3) to find the values of local wisdom (Sibarani, 2017) in the expressions. Emic research method is applied with observation technique, interview, documentation and qualitative data analysis with semiotic analysis approach to get the objectives of this research. The results show that: 1) from the semiotic meaning of Batak Toba tribe always asks for God’s blessing in all customary activities, having a humble attitude in speech and deed. 2) functions of the expressions of paranak is a) thanks to God because of the supplication of prayer b) happiness. c) giving, d) prayer for food e) response to prayer, 3) local wisdom found are a) mutual respect and expression of gratitude for God’s blessings b) senses of belonging and loving one another c) humble attitude