The Role of Emotional Intelligence, Communication Competence, Team Building, Problem Solving Skills and Culture in Selected Counties in Kenya – AJHSSR

The Role of Emotional Intelligence, Communication Competence, Team Building, Problem Solving Skills and Culture in Selected Counties in Kenya

The Role of Emotional Intelligence, Communication Competence, Team Building, Problem Solving Skills and Culture in Selected Counties in Kenya

ABSTRACT: Change management refers to the actions of communicating the need for change, mobilizingfollowers (people) and resources to support the change direction and ultimately evaluating the circumstancesbrought about by the change. Coping with change has become a constant challenge for contemporary leaders,communities, governments and corporations. However, as the complexity and spread of change has increased, ithas become apparent that leading change initiatives requires proper exploration of the critical factors that governrealization of acceptable change management levels among some selected counties in Kenya. This paperexamines and discusses the role of emotional intelligence, communication competence, team building andproblem solving skills of top management level of the devolved government units- county governments, asperceived by the respondents of this survey who were middle level managers; with or without organizationalculture on change management.

Keywords: Change, Change Management.Emotional intelligence, Communication competence, Team building,Problem solving skills and Culture.