The Role of Organizational Commitment in Mediating the Influence of Communication and Work Stress on the Turnover Intention in Private Hospitals in West Denpasar – AJHSSR

The Role of Organizational Commitment in Mediating the Influence of Communication and Work Stress on the Turnover Intention in Private Hospitals in West Denpasar

The Role of Organizational Commitment in Mediating the Influence of Communication and Work Stress on the Turnover Intention in Private Hospitals in West Denpasar

ABSTRACT : The turnover intention of employees in private hospitals cannot be avoided, and there are variousdifferent factors that may stimulate their turnover intention. If the turnover intention is not managed properly,employee turnover will be high, which leads to an undesirable level of employee performance. The high rate ofemployee turnover also has negative impacts on the organization, such as creating instability and uncertaintyregarding the conditions of the existing workers and the high cost of managing the HR. The aim of this study isto examine and explain the role of organizational commitment in mediating the influence of communication andwork stress on turnover intentions. This research is classified as an associative quantitative study. Thepopulation consists of all the employees of private hospitals in West Denpasar, with a total sample of 206employees who were determined using the proportionate stratified random sampling method. The data werecollected through questionnaire. The analysis technique used is the linear regression analysis followig Baron andKenny’s method with the SPSS version 22.0 as the analysis tool. The results of this study revealed thatcommunication has a negative influence on turnover intention, work stress has a positive influence on turnoverintention, organizational commitment has a negative influence on turnover intention, communication has apositive influence on organizational commitment, work stress has a negative influence on organizationalcommitment, organizational commitment mediates the influence of communication on turnover intention. andorganizational commitment mediates the influence of work stress on turnover intention. The research resultsprovide empirical evidence as reference for future studies and also enrich the literature of human resourcemanagement.

Keywords -organizational commitment, communication, work stress, turnover intention