The Types of Human Rights in Labor Unions Are Related To the Model of State Intervention in Indonesia – AJHSSR

The Types of Human Rights in Labor Unions Are Related To the Model of State Intervention in Indonesia

The Types of Human Rights in Labor Unions Are Related To the Model of State Intervention in Indonesia

ABSTRACT: Human rights are one of the pillars of the rule of law (rechtstaat), which is also a gift from God Almighty, who must be respected, highly respected, and protected by the state, government law, everyone for the honor and protection of human dignity. The beginnings of the development of human rights began in 1215 with the emergence of the Magna Charta (Great Charter), then the emergence of the Bill of Rights in England in 1869. In France through the French revolution (1789) produced a Declaration of droit de I’homme et du Citoyen (statement of human rights and citizens’ rights). The purpose of this article is to analyze the types of human rights in trade unions associated with the state intervention model. The method used in this study is qualitative research with a normative juridical approach. The conclusions of this article are based on the type of human rights that are relevant to trade unions, namely: personal rights which include freedom of expression and right to gather, hold meetings. Human rights contained in the 4th (fourth) precept of Pancasila concerning issuing opinions. Article 28 of the 1945 Constitution, namely the right to freedom of association and assembly, issues thoughts with orally or in writing as stipulated in the law. Law Number 21 of 2000 concerning Labour Unions (Law 21/2000) which is the implementation of Article 28 of the 1945 Constitution. Indonesia adheres to a labour union model “coalition of state and party interference”, namely labour unions and employers articipating in determining or coloring the establishment of trade union legislation, the purpose of state intervention, is to create peace in industrial peace by protecting workers’ rights by not ignoring the company’s interests, namely business continuity.
KEYWORDS: Human Rights, Models of State Intervention, and Labour Unions